Global and Community Engagement

Visit: 185 University Avenue
John Cotton Dana Library, Suite 306
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 353-5834
Rutgers Graduate School-Newark
Office of the Dean
The Graduate School–Newark has offered two-month fellowships to graduate students with a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with Rutgers Global. This fellowship has offered students opportunities to link their research interests in different projects.
See our student's notes from South Africa:
"Today (6/22/2017) I participated in a Gender-Based Violence (GBV) workshop presented by SK from Sonka Gender Justice and hosted by the Social Justice Coalition in Khayelitsha..."
"A heartfelt thanks to USAID and RU-N for this research opportunity as my time thus far in South Africa has been tremendously productive. My research has evolved and grown stronger over the last two months..."
"After meeting members of Refugee Legal and Advocacy Centre, Juma Ndikumana, Janvier Impezagire and Aleck Kuhudzai (RLAC Co-founder), I became aware that focusing my research on the media’s representation of refugees and foreign nationals during periods of xenophobic..."
"Our cohort in Cape Town from the Graduate School-Newark visited the informal settlement in Hout Bay, Imizamo Yethu."
"When I arrived, I only had one contact who is a friend of mine, an education advocate. She introduced me to two other women activists for affordable housing in the city..."
"My summer has been beyond exciting! I was fortunate to have received a USAID fellowship to conduct research on renewable energy and energy training programs in South Africa..."
"Our cohort in Cape Town from the Graduate School-Newark visited the informal settlement in Hout Bay, Imizamo Yethu..."