Rutgers Fellowship & Scholarship Opportunities
Each year, the Graduate School grants the following fellowships and tuition awards, upon the nomination of Graduate Program Directors:
Presidential Fellowship
Trustees Fellowship
Ralph Bunche Fellowship
Masters Students Tuition Awards
Students at the dissertation writing stage may apply for the Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, awarded to doctoral students in good academic standing who have completed all coursework and research credits.​ This highly competitive dissertation completion fellowship is awarded each Spring.
Stipend of $30,833 plus graduate fellow health benefits.
Fellows must be ready to defend dissertation and complete all graduation requirements by April 1st of award year.
The Graduate School's Outstanding Dissertation Award is awarded each May to the most outstanding dissertation by a graduating doctoral candidate (upon the nomination of Graduate Program Directors). ​Meet our 2021 award winner!
In addition, unfunded students may apply for support through the School's scholarship application (late summer).
Giving to GSN
Rutgers Fellowships and Scholarship Opportunities
Rutgers Graduate School–Newark
Office of the Dean
Visit: 185 University Avenue
John Cotton Dana Library, Suite 306
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Phone: (973) 353-5834