Notes from South Africa - Latoya Jones Pt. 2

Rutgers Graduate School-Newark
Office of the Dean
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Notes from South Africa - Latoya Pt.2
My summer has been beyond exciting! I was fortunate to have received a USAID fellowship to conduct research on renewable energy and energy training programs in South Africa. I was also fortunate to have received a travel grant from the Graduate School Newark for my research on MakaStove. Working alongside Ugandan professor Dr. Moses Musaazi of Makerere University in Kampala, Dr. Abigail Mechtenberg of Notre Dame, and a team of technicians in Fort Portal, Uganda, I am investigating efficiency, environmental and public health benefits of the Curved Interlocking Cement Stabilized Soil Blocks (CICSSB) MakaStove. The MakaStove is a Ugandan innovation. I am also researching technology by Ugandans for Ugandans, and the impact of designing BY & WITH not FOR Ugandan development. Looking forward to the coming year.
Latoya Jones, PhD Global Urban Studies. (Fort Portal & Kampala Uganda)