Congratulations to the Recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award!
Message from President Holloway and Executive Vice President Moghe (April 6, 2021)
Workshop: Fundamentals to Tableau
Planning for Fall 2021 - We'll Be Back Soon!
Upcoming Workshops: Data Management & Analysis Tools
Workshop: Measuring the Impact of Your Research (3/31)
Workshop: Which Citation Manager Should I Use? (3/24)
Workshop: Building a Twitter Bot for Academic Research (3/16)
Register Today: Short Scholarly Writing! (3/26)
Register Today: Becoming a Resilient Writer (3/10)
Register Today: Introduction to Voyant! (3/8)
Register Today: Introduction to Endnote Web! (3/5)
Save-the-Date: Project Management for Graduate Students!
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowships (due March 25!)
Upcoming Workshops: Data Management & Analysis Tools
Upcoming Workshops: Data Management & Analysis Tools
GSN Professional Development Series: Introduction to Qualtrics
GSN Professional Development Series: Archival Research Tools & Tips
VIDEO: Building An Online Academic Presence Webinar (11/24/20)
Beyond the Professoriate: Introducing AURORA!