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Upcoming Workshops: Data Management & Analysis Tools

Dana Library and the Graduate School-Newark are pleased to continue the Fall 2020 Graduate Student Success Workshops, designed to integrate students' scholarly, personal, and career goals into a sustained professional development program.

Our next four workshops on 10/23, 10/28, 11/2, and 11/13 will provide an overview of popular data management and analysis tools -- SAS, Qualtrics, Voyant, and Tableau. Learn how to work smarter and save time using these tools!


Fundamentals to SAS teaches students how to explore and access SAS data sets, import and export non-SAS file formats, and manipulate data with formulas and assignment statements. All skill levels are welcomed!

Instructor: Jonathan Torres (Business Librarian) When: Friday, October 23, 2020, 3p-4pm How: Register here today!

Introduction to Qualtrics demonstrates how Qualtrics can help you create, optimize, and distribute a survey, download survey data, create a survey report, and share survey results. Instructor: Bonnie L. Fong (Physical Sciences Librarian) When: Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 1p-2p How: Register here today!

Using Voyant for Qualitative Textual Analysis introduces students to Voyant Tools, an open source suite of tools for analyzing text or a corpus of texts. Students will learn basic information about different types of text analysis and their uses / methodologies. Students will use a prepared corpus to explore different tools in Voyant and consider how they might use it in their own work. More information about Voyant's suite of tools is available here. Instructor: Krista White (Digital Scholarship and Pedagogies Librarian) When: Monday, November 2, 2020, 11:30am-12:50pm How: Register here today!

Tableau for Beginners will teach students how to use Tableau for creating data visualization formats and real-time data analytics using business datasets. Learn how to prepare, analyze, and share your data. Instructor: Jonathan Torres (Business Librarian) When: Friday, November 13, 2020, 3p-4p How: Register here today!

Follow us on social media to make sure you don't miss our next event!

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