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On the Job Market? VersatilePhD Can Help!

Graduate School-Newark

In collaboration with the university's Career Development Center, the Graduate School would like to remind all students that each of you enjoys access to premium content on The Versatile PhD (VPhD), an online resource to help humanities, social science, and STEM graduate students and Ph.D.s in all fields identify, prepare for, and succeed in non-academic careers. If you’re contemplating a job search beyond the tenure track, VPhD can demystify the process and possibilities.

To access the premium content, click here! Follow the onscreen directions after logging in!

Here is a sampling of what you can find at The Versatile PhD:

  • The Ph.D. Career Finder helps you explore possible career options and features first-person stories of Ph.D.s and A.B.D.s working in those professions. They share their experiences of pursuing a nonacademic career as well as actual résumés and cover letters that they used in landing their jobs.

  • Online discussions and webinars. You can find upcoming VPhD online events by visiting the Rutgers-Newark Handshake. Past discussions are also archived on the VPhD site.

  • Forums allow you to join networking groups, learn about the career paths of other Ph.D.s, and ask questions to a diverse, sympathetic, and knowledgeable community. There are two forums, one for Humanities/Social Sciences scholars and another for researchers in STEM fields.

If you have any questions or problems regarding access to VPhD premium content, contact the Career Development Center at! Alumni who wish to take advantage of Rutgers-Newark's subscription should contact the Career Development Center to request access.

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