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Come Out & Cheer! It's Time for the Final Rounds of this Year's Three Minute Thesis

Graduate School-Newark

Join us this Thursday (4/27), as we host the final rounds of this year's Three Minute Thesis Competition! Come hear your friends and colleagues share their work and their passion in this annual research communications and professional development program. ALL ARE INVITED! Thursday, April 27, 3pm Paul Robeson Campus Center, Essex Room If you haven't already, register for the Anchoring Higher Ed conference here today (and join us for lunch)!

Meet Our 2023 Finalists:

  • Angela Alberti, PhD Candidate, Nursing

  • Malte Gueth, PhD Candidate, Behavioral and Neural Sciences

  • Galit Karpov, PhD Candidate, Behavioral and Neural Sciences

  • Ian Kim, PhD Candidate, Behavioral and Neural Sciences

  • Joshua Thompson, PhD Candidate, Environmental Sciences

  • Willa Rae Witherow-Culpepper, PhD Candidate, Global Affairs

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