Peace and Conflict Program
Program Description
The newly created Master’s Program (and Bachelor’s/Master’s Program) in Peace and Conflict Studies offers a unique approach to the issues which will shape our future. Based in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, this program prepares students for further scholarship or employment in three areas: the social bases of peace and conflict, the causes of large-scale violence, and nonviolent social conflict and recovery from violence. Students will also have opportunities for research and practical internships associated with the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, and the International Institute for Peace, whose Directors are faculty members of the Master’s Program. The Center and Institute bring scholars, policy makers, peacemakers, projects, and events to our campus, and connect us to researchers, practitioners, and peacebuilding communities around the world.
Lynn Kuzma, Ph.D., Graduate Program Director
360 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.​
Hill Hall | Room 619
Phone: 973-353-5078
Website: Peace & Conflict Studies
General Information
Degree Offered: M.A., BA-MA
Degree Credit Requirements
Credits: 36
Career Opportunities
-The Peace Corps and other international development work
-Peacebuilding and peacekeeping
-Human rights monitoring and advocacy
-Local and international transitional justice
-Social justice and community building
-Migration and refugees
-Education in emergencies
Application Requirements and Deadlines
All transcripts – TOEFL 3 Letters of Recommendation – Personal Statement up to 300 words indicating areas of interest and objectives in obtaining a Master’s degree in Peace & Conflict Studies.
Applicants may be requested to interview personally or by video conferences.
Deadlines: BA-MA and MA: April 30